So... the last update was in March... it's now May... it's pretty been close to two months since our last update...
So just to clear this up...
Don't expect anything solid until about after June 10th. That's when both Minerva and I should be home-free! I hope so. If not, then slap me in the face and call me Tigger without springs. Wait... what?
Much love from the ends of the e-arth,
Friday, May 21, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Please Forgive Us!
So, have you noticed the lack of posts on this here blog? Seeing as our last post was 2 WEEKS AGO. That is a terrifying fact.
So where have we been? Be rest assured, we are still hunting for those elusive HMs. Speaking of HMs, anyone like Pokemon? Because I am obsessed with SoulSilver right now.
Ahem. Getting back on topic, where are we? Miineeervaaaa? Faaaauntleerooooy? Where are we?! Well, Fauntleroy is currently being held in the cellar of a castle, and cannot post until it's parole time. I am still in the process of undeading (seriously, I hate colds), and am recovering from the several stressors, including the hated homework.
So today and last week is supposed to be dA Friday. "Supposed to be" is the key phrase...ahaha? We're very sorry about not being able to post, and will be posting a huge post next week. *knocks on the fake wood*
But in the meantime, I will post one picture (I edited it a loooong time ago, in a faraway land) to tide things over...
So have you heard of the band Rotten Sound? I haven't, but one of Fauntleroy's friends introduced us to this song, "Blind". And look who showed up to rock out with us?
Humans see what we see? There's an EYE STARING AT US...
May you not be haunted by eyes staring at you at night, and stay out of trouble, y'hear?!
So where have we been? Be rest assured, we are still hunting for those elusive HMs. Speaking of HMs, anyone like Pokemon? Because I am obsessed with SoulSilver right now.
Ahem. Getting back on topic, where are we? Miineeervaaaa? Faaaauntleerooooy? Where are we?! Well, Fauntleroy is currently being held in the cellar of a castle, and cannot post until it's parole time. I am still in the process of undeading (seriously, I hate colds), and am recovering from the several stressors, including the hated homework.
So today and last week is supposed to be dA Friday. "Supposed to be" is the key phrase...ahaha? We're very sorry about not being able to post, and will be posting a huge post next week. *knocks on the fake wood*
But in the meantime, I will post one picture (I edited it a loooong time ago, in a faraway land) to tide things over...
So have you heard of the band Rotten Sound? I haven't, but one of Fauntleroy's friends introduced us to this song, "Blind". And look who showed up to rock out with us?
Humans see what we see? There's an EYE STARING AT US...
May you not be haunted by eyes staring at you at night, and stay out of trouble, y'hear?!
Friday, March 12, 2010
dA Friday
Uh. Ahem. Anyway, this picture comes right from DisneyLand if you look hard enough for them. Remember the saying, "YOU JUST GOTTA BELIEVE!" Yes, that. Isn't this cool? I don't even know how this person found this and managed to get a clear, nice shot of it. Kudos to them!
I love designs like that. They're littered through out DisneyLand/DisneyWorld. Speaking of that Mickey Mouse head design, check out this picture below!
I'm not even sure if it was on purpose, but how awesome is that? Hidden Mickeys are everywhere! Even builders, construction workers and painters (*COUGH*Minerva&I*COUGH*) like to throw out a Hidden Mickey here and there. Next time you're by that strange looking building, check it out! It could have your favorite mouse head on it.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Question for you...
Obviously this image is self-explanatory (and amazing). Who here is going to see the fantastic Tim Burton/Disney movie Alice In Wonderland? Minerva and I are going with friends next week and dressing up! It shall be plenty of fun! If you kids go to see it too, remember, be safe and do not forget to look for the Hidden Mickeys.
dA Friday
It's dA Friday again kids! That only means one thing: more pictures! I mean, what else COULD it mean?
This one goes out to all you cyclists/bicyclists/tricyclists and Mickey Mouse fanatics out there! How cool is this picture? I'm sure any Mickey Mouse biker would love it. That if, if they can even RIDE it. But that kind of bike reminds me of the reeeaaally old-fashioned big bikes with the giant wheel and then the two little wheels. Huh... I think we should all go make out Mickey Mouse bikes now!
This one goes out to all you cyclists/bicyclists/tricyclists and Mickey Mouse fanatics out there! How cool is this picture? I'm sure any Mickey Mouse biker would love it. That if, if they can even RIDE it. But that kind of bike reminds me of the reeeaaally old-fashioned big bikes with the giant wheel and then the two little wheels. Huh... I think we should all go make out Mickey Mouse bikes now!
So who else loves lighting effects? Whoever doesn't, you should now because of this picture.
Mickey Mouse is everywhere. Now he's in your nightlight kids. Don't worry if you wake up and hear weird laughter. It's just Mickey! In your room... uh, doing whatever... he likes to do... while sneaking around in your lighting...
Good night and sleep tight everyone!!!!!2
Friday, February 26, 2010
dA Friday.
It's that time of the week again kids (no, NOT that time...)! DeviantArt Friday! We present more Hidden Mickeys from the ever-talented people from dA. Let's take a look, shall we?
Well now, here are three sunflowers... one bigger than the other two... and--O MY WORD. It's a flower Hidden Mickey! Now who says flowers aren't awesome? Well, maybe Alice, but those dancing flowers were stuck up and never made Hidden Mickeys.
Well now, here are three sunflowers... one bigger than the other two... and--O MY WORD. It's a flower Hidden Mickey! Now who says flowers aren't awesome? Well, maybe Alice, but those dancing flowers were stuck up and never made Hidden Mickeys.
That's just cool is it not? Proof that flowers are just secret fans of Mickey Mouse.
But the secrecy does not end with flowers, my friends and enemies. Can you spot the Hidden Mickey within the lily pads? Yeah. Is that not cool too? It's possibly one of the COOLEST THINGS EVER!!!!!1one!
But the secrecy does not end with flowers, my friends and enemies. Can you spot the Hidden Mickey within the lily pads? Yeah. Is that not cool too? It's possibly one of the COOLEST THINGS EVER!!!!!1one!
Hopefully Tiana and Naveen will think twice before jumping on these lily pads.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Adventures of Minerva&Fauntleroy
Episode two: MIA!
Haaaay, it's me! Fauntleroy! Minerva is missing because she was killed [accidentally] by me, but she's getting better. I'M AWESOME! I'M TYPING ALL CAPS! I'M TYPING STUFF WITH WORDS AND LETTERS, BWAHAHAHA!
Haaaay, it's me! Fauntleroy! Minerva is missing because she was killed [accidentally] by me, but she's getting better. I'M AWESOME! I'M TYPING ALL CAPS! I'M TYPING STUFF WITH WORDS AND LETTERS, BWAHAHAHA!
Friday, February 19, 2010
DeviantArt Friday!! Each Friday, we'll post a few pictures of Hidden Mickeys from the wickedly talent artists of DeviantArt. So without further ado, let's start!
First off, how often can you say that your lawn furniture is this awesome?
Secondly, chefs are trained to not only make food taste good, but also to look good. I wish the lunch ladies in the school cafeteria could learn, but it's school...Anyway, how do you eat a work of art like this:
First off, how often can you say that your lawn furniture is this awesome?
Secondly, chefs are trained to not only make food taste good, but also to look good. I wish the lunch ladies in the school cafeteria could learn, but it's school...Anyway, how do you eat a work of art like this:
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Xin Nian Hao!!
So in honor of Chinese New Year, I've decided that this week will be Chinese New Year Week! (Pst, don't tell Fauntleroy) That, and we just love Asian things in general. So, since we're having Chinese, Mulan Hidden Mickeys are an obvious choice! Here's the first one.

This is in the "I'll Make A Man Out of You" part. It was hard work trying to get the clip to pause in just the right spot, but hey, it worked! What I like about this Hidden Mickey is that it's red. Red is lucky to the Chinese.
I would attempt to type more bad jokes and puns, but I have to go do an audition to get into this regional band thing. Now. Wish me luck!
This is in the "I'll Make A Man Out of You" part. It was hard work trying to get the clip to pause in just the right spot, but hey, it worked! What I like about this Hidden Mickey is that it's red. Red is lucky to the Chinese.
I would attempt to type more bad jokes and puns, but I have to go do an audition to get into this regional band thing. Now. Wish me luck!
Chinese New Year,
Hidden Mickey,
Monday, February 15, 2010
Adventures of Minerva&Fauntleroy
Minerva, Fauntleroy, and Chip battle over control of the land, until finally deciding to settle their differences by giving all of Disney over to whoever is able to capture and discover the true identity of the hidden Mickeys.
Next time on Minerva&Fauntleroy:
Next time on Minerva&Fauntleroy:
M: Happy [late] Singles' Awareness Day!
F: We found this right on Valentine's Day! I was being my usual internet hobo self when I stumbled upon it. At first I was thinking, "Oh, it's just another Valentine's Day ad..." But then I noticed! As swift as Pluto fetching a stick for Mickey Mouse I did just that to the ad and brought it here! Enjoy.
Hidden Mickey,
Valentine's Day
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Freaks in a Nutshell
The title and blog is self-explanatory, we hope. We are just two little Mousekateers on a mission to find as many Hidden Mickeys as we can. Be it in Disney movies(We love you, Chip!!), psychological ink blots, the spots on your pet cow, your bed-head, the Olympic Rings, a water molecule, the weird swirls on a coil-pot project, or wherever! The possibilities are ENDLESS in this world!!!!one
Ahem. Sorry about that. I get a little excited thinking about all the poor, neglected, forgotten, UNSEEN...Hold on, my head is itchy.
Anyway, so this blog shall be a compilation of all those darling Mickey heads that we have found. We will try to post one new one every other day, if not every day, but if you could send us your pictures of Hidden Mickeys, that would be greatly appreciated. (Pst: That means "Please send us your photos!!!!!!!11!!1oneexclamationpoint)
Let the factory open!
-The Freaks: Minerva&Fauntleroy
Ahem. Sorry about that. I get a little excited thinking about all the poor, neglected, forgotten, UNSEEN...Hold on, my head is itchy.
Anyway, so this blog shall be a compilation of all those darling Mickey heads that we have found. We will try to post one new one every other day, if not every day, but if you could send us your pictures of Hidden Mickeys, that would be greatly appreciated. (Pst: That means "Please send us your photos!!!!!!!11!!1oneexclamationpoint)
Let the factory open!
-The Freaks: Minerva&Fauntleroy
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